Sunday, November 8, 2009

Questions for next time

We will continue into chapter 13 of Mark's gospel with some of these questions:
  1. No man knows the hour, only the Father, when the Son of Man comes in the clouds with great power and glory. Is it kosher for Jesus to not know this hour and day?
  2. There is another comparison to a man away from home and the behaviors of the servants while the lord of the house is away. What other parables in Mark have used a similar story?
  3. Through Mark's record, Jesus admonishes us to be alert, even in the night. How is it that each member of the Church can be alert? What is the meaning of this alertness? Or, what is the meaning of sleep, about which Jesus cautions us?
On Thursday morning this week, we will walk further up and further in to this message, using questions, including this short list.
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