Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Prepare for next time

We will dive into chapter 14 of Mark's gospel this Thursday morning. Here are some questions that can guide your reading.
  1. Who wanted the death of Jesus to occur during the feast of unleavened bread?
  2. Who wanted the death of Jesus to occur before the feast of unleavened bread?
  3. Which of the Twelve wanted three hundred denarii for the poor and did not want Jesus to be anointed with the expensive Nardostachys grandiflora "spikenard" ointment?
  4. Jesus had a plan for the first day of unleavened bread. How did his plan begin?
  5. What is the significance of Jesus knowing who his betrayer is?
This is another area of Mark's gospel that is loaded with meaning. We pray for the Holy Spirit to guide us in our quest for wisdom and insight in this section of the gospel, even helping us tackle these simple questions on Thursday morning this week.
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