Wednesday, November 7, 2012

We begin Luke's Gospel this Thursday.

This week we begin the study of Luke's Gospel, including the study guide written by Scott Hahn and Curtis Mitch. Here are some questions we can use concerning this first chapter; questions from the Hahn/Mitch study guide are in italics:
  1. What is the Old Testament significance of Gabriel's prophecy that John the Baptist would "drink no wine nor strong drink"? Who are some other figures who had the same commitment as John?
  2. Is it fitting that Christ should have been born of an espoused virgin?
  3. What considerations help us understand the meaning of the title "full of grace" that Gabriel gives to Mary?
  4. Should the accomplishment of Christ's conception should be attributed to the Holy Ghost or to God the Father?
  5. Was Christ sanctified in the first instant of His conception?
  6. Was it necessary to announce to the Blessed Virgin that which was to be done in her?
  7. Why is the angel’s use of the term "overshadow" significant? What Old Testament passage uses the term? In that passage, what was overshadowed?
  8. How does Luke... portray Mary as the Ark of the Covenant?
  9. Was the Blessed Virgin was sanctified before her birth from the womb?
  10. Did Christ acquire His judiciary power, the power to judge, by His merits or was it due to Him, prior to any acts of merit?

Be ready for more questions on Thursday morning, as we gaze into this opening passage of Luke's gospel, seeking the Lord Jesus.

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