Thursday, November 15, 2012

Continuing Luke's first chapter

Last week we looked into vv. 1-38 of Luke's first chapter. This week, we tackle the rest of the chapter, although with the Magnificat and the Benedictus in this part of Ch. 1, one culd easily spend a lifetime thinking about that short set of verses!

We will continue to employ study questions from the Hahn/Mitch study guide, and here are a few more study questions concerning this part of Ch. 1:

  1. Mary visits her coursin, Elizabeth, and Elizabeth blesses Mary. What inspired Elizabeth to bless Mary this way?
  2. Can God actually stop evil? How would Mary answer that question? What about an apostle like Peter or Paul?
  3. How does Mary’s response to Gabriel's announcement differ from the actions of Eve?
  4. How does pre-birth John the Baptist react to the real presence of his Lord?
  5. How impossible did God’s promise seem -- His promise of mercy to Abraham -- and how long did it look ahead for its fulfillment?
  6. Is it okay to worship Mary?
  7. What aspect of God’s promise to Abraham has the properties of the truth?
  8. How has God hallowed His own name in this chapter of Luke’s gospel?

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