Thursday, March 15, 2012

The judgement of the nations, Matthew 25

We have a section of Matthew's gospel, ch. 25, verses 31-46, that is loaded with importance. Here are a few questions to help us look into it and put it into action:
  1. How does the Our Father jibe with the judgement of the nations in this section?
  2. Is there matching truth in the Beatitudes of Matthew ch. 5?
  3. BRAIN-BURNER: Is there any place in the Old Testament that correlates with the actions that the Son of Man rewards?
  4. In all the actions rewarded by th Messiah, note that there is no teaching or preaching mentioned. Why is that?
  5. In the "make my day" miracle of healing, where the four men lowered their friend by ropes through the roof to Jesus, were they acting in the manner that finds reward in this section of Matthew's gospel?
  6. What does this passage tell us about the Eucharist?
We are only walking in the foothills of this mountain, but these few questions can get our feet headed upward, especially if accompanied by some coffee this Thursday morning!

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