Thursday, March 29, 2012

Forward to chapter 26

We will continue working on last week's questions, #9 - #14,
  1. How does it help the King to make the positive judgement first, for those on his right, and after that, to make his negative judgement?
  2. What is the significance of the word inherit, compared to, for instance, in Ch. 9, where Jesus commands the healed man to take up his mat?
  3. If a person does more than just to visit a prisoner, more than just to feed a hungry family, more than just to put a roof over a man's head, if a person does more than that, what kind of person is that? How would you describe that person?
  4. For whom was the kingdom prepared? For whom was the eternal fire prepared?
  5. Have you ever known someone who helped an enemy, someone who was down, even though under normal circumstances they would be persona non grata?
  6. What does it tell you that Jesus left this last direct prophetic message as the last one before the events of crucifixion, starting in Ch. 26?
then push forward into the passion of the Messiah, chapter 26. For starters, here are a few questions to work with:
  1. Matthew writes, "When Jesus finished all these words..." and then Jesus points out that in two days will be a celebration, the Passover. How is the last part of "all these words" -- the last judgement of Matthew 25:31-46 -- related to the escape from Egyptland?
  2. Why do these goombahs have to plot in secrecy?
  3. Does the high priest Caiaphas fear the Lord more than the people of Jerusalem?
  4. Jesus is a son of Abraham, a son of David. Who was it in the story of the Exodus that wanted to kill off the sons of Abraham?
  5. Does the woman with the jar of perfumed oil have a malady of some kind?
  6. When Moses died, did he have a public burial, with all the rituals, for all to see?
  7. How would it come about that this woman acquires enduring fame, even though she is nameless?
Let's start with these questions today, maybe have some coffee, too, and ask the Holy Spirit to help us see into the perfect law of freedom, God's Word!
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