Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Questions for Thursday morning in Matthew 18

We continue our look into the Lord's teaching, as recorded my Matthew in his 18th chapter. A few questions to consider are:
  1. Why is it significant to Jesus that a set of angels are able to look upon the face of God the Father? Why does the seeing of God's face by angels inspire you not to despise the little ones?
  2. When Jesus speaks about cutting off a hand, he is actually using a figure of speech, to instruct us about something other than a hand. What is he talking about?
  3. Jesus says we can gain after bringing a dispute to a brother. Why is it considered a profit? What goes in the profit column?
  4. Is it eye-for-eye vengeance if the church executes the punishment, instead of the wronged individual?
  5. Are the IRS tax collectors of that day beyond redemption? Can you think of one who was eventually redeemed by the Lord?
  6. 70×7 = 490. Does God throw the book at you after #490?
The 18th chapter is also loaded with useful guidance for the man who would be a doer of the Word. Let's dig into it for more wisdom in the morning.
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