Wednesday, April 6, 2011

More of chapter 4

Here are some repeat and some fresh questions, concerning chapter 4 of Matthew's Gospel:
  1. In the temptation tests of chapter 4, the enemy keeps saying, "If you are the Son of God..." and Jesus dumps the enemy's test by calling on actions
    1. obedient life by God's word
    2. obediently avoiding show and displays of power
    Was Jesus the only person who could fulfill those actions?
  2. Who was intended by God to become ruler over the nations? Why was this a test for Jesus?
  3. Was the enemy paying Jesus due respect to use the phrase "Son of God" in these temptations?
  4. Was there a legitimate reason for Jesus to
    1. obtain bread
    2. cast himself off a parapet of the temple
    3. bow to the enemy?
  5. In this triple testing, who was the hunter? Who was the prey?
  6. Will angels minister to us or only to Jesus?
  7. The enemy eggs Jesus on for food, safety and riches, but God the Father has a plan for Jesus and for us that starts way differently: chastisement, suffering and death. Can this be kosher?
  8. What does the calling of Peter and Andrew in
    1. John 1:35 and following, plus
    2. Matthew 4:18 and following
    tell you about Jesus' skill as a fisher of men?
OK, that is a full plate. See you tomorrow morning for a cup of coffee and some prayer over the 4th chapter of Matthew's gospel.
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