Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Additional concepts in relation to beatitude

Here are some questions to ponder in preparation for Thursday's discussion of Matthew chapter 5.
  1. Which two commandments are the foci of the Beatitudes?
    Hint: Read
    Matthew 22:37-39
  2. Which short prayer are you reminded of when you hear the 5th
  3. Read Galatians 6:1-8. What does this say about mercy?
  4. Do you suppose Thomas, called Didymus, is a good example of "clean of heart"? Why?
  5. The old saw, "The apple does not fall far from the tree," can be applied to which Beatitude?
  6. What parallels can be drawn between the 1st and 8th Beatitudes?
As Mary did, ponder these in your heart and do whatever Jesus tells you, and in the morning we will use these questions for additional discussion.
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