Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Study questions for Amos, chapter 6

There are several streams of meaning in this part of the message of Amos. Here are some questions to help you dip into it.
  1. What is the evil day that Israel would like to postpone? What is it that they fear?
  2. In chapter 3, Amos wrote some questions of the type we refer to as "Is the pope Catholic?" Here in chapter 6, he uses the opposite type of rhetorical question, an oxymoron, e.g., "Can a horse run across a cliff?" What contradiction in terms does Amos see in Israel?
  3. Count the number of references to housing of various types. What kind of housing would a shepherd like Amos have?
  4. Count the number of references to luxury furnishings and provisions. What kind of provision would a shepherd like Amos have?
  5. Why would God use a shepherd -- as opposed to a Levite, for example -- to prophesy to these people?
  6. What is the word you would use to identify the sin of Israel that God condemns in this prophecy?
  7. What would God's prescription be for countering that sin?

Let's be ready to gaze into this message and let the Holy Ghost work it down into our bones where it will do some good.
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