Thursday, February 17, 2011

Amos 8 requires some questions.

When you read the 8th chapter of Amos, you will be faced with some interesting questions:
  1. Does the fruit mentioned here stand for the northern kingdom of Israel?
  2. Compare the nature of songs mentioned in Amos with Psalm 119:54. How would you describe the difference?
  3. In present day Israel, where is Dan in relation to Beer-Sheba?
  4. After reading v. 7, one has to ask, does God ever forget our sins? Is this good or bad?
  5. Which is the greater trouble, earthquake or famine of God's word?
Amos proclaims a message concerning Israel's fidelity to the perfect law of freedom. It is a deep river and wide, but these questions get us at least to dip our toes into the stream.

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