Wednesday, July 7, 2010

A set of questions, oriented toward one concept in Hebrews 4

The fourth chapter of Hebrews has a single concept at its center. Our questions, including two from last week, will grapple with that concept.
  1. The author mentions the phrase "God's rest" in this chapter. What is the origin and meaning of that phrase?
  2. Why does the author connect God's rest to the Exodus?
  3. Our faith connects which sacrament(s) to the day God rested?
  4. How does the Holy Spirit use the concept of time in this emphasized word, "today" in v. 7?
  5. The author of Hebrews uses the Greek word σκληροs, skleros, in various places for the concept of hardness. What are the signs of a hardened heart?
  6. What did Ezekiel prophesy about the treatment of hardened hearts?
  7. Why does the text jump wildly from the concept of "entering his rest" in verse 11, to the completely different image of the double edged sword in verse 12?
  8. Is there a connection between "entering into that rest" in v. 11 and "holding fast to our confession" in v. 14?
Let's think about these questions and be ready for the Holy Spirit to help us understand the perfect law of freedom tomorrow morning.
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