Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Hebrews 7 questions for Thursday, Aaron and Melchizedek.

Here are a few questions for getting your mind to focus on the section of Hebrews we will study on Thursday, Hebrews 7.
  1. Why do the priests of the order of Aaron receive tithes?
  2. Was Melchizedek a Jew or a Gentile?
  3. In v. 20, the author says that the priests in the order of Aaron did not become priests with an oath. How is that these men became priests in the order of Aaron?
  4. What was the central event in history by which the priesthood of the order of Aaron was begun?
  5. What was the founding document of the Aaron priesthood?
  6. Jesus, priest forever in the order of Melchizedek, is quite busy in Heaven... doing what?
  7. How does the common priesthood of the faithful fit into all this?
I hope we will get to question 7 Thursday morning, because it is the reason God sent us this part of the perfect law of freedom.
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