Thursday, January 7, 2010

Some vocabulary

In the Greek manuscript, there are several interesting words:
  1. The inscription on the cross contains the word ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΕ -- in our alphabet, BASILIYE. It means "king," and is related to our word basilica and to the proper name Basil.
  2. εγκατελιπεs, which is translated "forsaken," and which ancient Greek writers also used at times in the sense of being left behind in a race.
  3. εξεπνευσεν which is translated "expire" for the moment of death. In our alphabet you could write it exepneusen, and you can see the prefix "ex-" meaning out, and the root word "pneuma" which we use to indicate air, as in our word pneumatic but which the Greek speaking world also used to denote the spirit. E.g., the Greek words for Holy Spirit include πνευμα.

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