Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Comments concerning the mission of the Messiah

Some of the comments of the men last week:
  1. Al: It is interesting that the Messiah is wrapped in a shroud at death, just as his parents wrapped their son in swaddling clothes at birth.
  2. Bob: They mocked Jesus at the cross just like politicians do today -- when there is no evidence, you mock.
  3. Dave: a person "sees the light," and this is why including all three types -- soldiers, bystanders and chief priests and scribes -- complete with mockery, is helpful for the mission of Peter.
In legal terms, the inclusion of mockery and all the other bad things spoken against the Messiah and done against Him, if it were a court of law, would be called "admission against interest." The witness makes a statement that might lead to his harm, but continues to testify: that is a statement against his own interests. These kinds of statements have a presumption of truth in a legal proceeding. In this case, the evangelist Mark includes statements against interest because he has a bigger mission than his own self-interest. Cf. federal rules of evidence, Rule 804 (b)(3).
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