Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Questions for next time

Next time we will dive deep into Mark 14:43-72. Here are some questions to consider as you read and prepare:
  1. Was Jesus surprised that the betrayer Judas and the crowd nabbed him this night?
  2. What was it that Jesus said that caused the high priest to tear apart his clothes and cancel his subscription the Jerusalem Slantinel?
  3. Was Peter's performance under questioning by the slave girl the same as or different from Jesus' response to the questioning of the high priest?
  4. If this gospel is really Peter's gospel written up by Mark in Rome, as many commentators think, then what does Peter the bold apostle gain by blabbing up this sorry moment in his history? How does it help him build up the faith of the newcomers to his flock?
  5. Who was the young man mentioned in verses 51 and 52?
This Thursday morning, we will look into these and other questions concerning our Messiah and his Twelve.

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