Thursday, December 10, 2009

Peter and Jesus

We discussed the betrayal event again this morning, especially what Peter's actions mean for us in this day -- his sleeping, his denying Jesus, and later events.
  1. Bob: This is the test of Peter, but he did pass the test. He must have thought, "What a coward I was!" But later on, BANG! He became the strong central apostle.
  2. Sal: This is the time of building for Peter's character. God builds our character through our mistakes.
  3. Joe: The Lord works it in such a manner because he knows that Peter will eventually become the man the Lord wants.
  4. German: God is always ready to give us another chance.
  5. Deacon Alfonsus Magnus: Peter's path is an example of God's love and mercy... especially mercy.

We discussed the prayer in the garden of Gethsemane, and the unusual state of God praying as a human for strength. In this, there were additional comments:
  1. German: it was like a man going off to combat, worries but determination.
  2. Scott: As men, we want to work and not rely on anybody. But Jesus trusted the Father.

We also talked about Joseph, faithfully working and teaching his son, yet every day trusting his life and the life of his family to God the Father. Good.
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