Thursday, September 17, 2009

What we talked about

Joe and Ken made some important connections between the events in this part of Marks gospel.
  1. Jesus teaches with authority about the Torah, the Law, and what is clean, because God is the author of the Torah.
  2. Ben16 says that Jesus is, himself, God's living Torah, and as such the Torah was meant to be universal.
  3. Joe connected the Syrophoenician woman and her daughter to the universality of the Torah.
  4. We read through Peter's dream, Acts 10:9-17, about the sheet lowered down from heaven with clean and unclean animals.
  5. Ken pointed out that Jesus uses signs, frequently with the humble things of Creation, so that everybody can see what is happening. He does not just send an email.
  6. Joe sees the deaf, mute man as a parable for the Twelve and for all of us. How can we spread the Lord's message unless
    1. we hear the message and
    2. speak clearly to others about the message?

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