Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Questions for next time, September 10

This Thursday morning, we will look right into the heart of the matter, Jesus and the Torah, in Mark 7. As you get time, think over these questions:
  1. Isaiah the prophet has something to say in this matter. What does God want instead of lip service from his people?
  2. Are the Twelve acting like gospel experts yet?
  3. Where is another place in the New Testament where the Lord gives Peter an experience that helps him to address the matter of clean and unclean?
  4. Who initiates the parable of the children and the dogs? Who shows mastery of the parable?
  5. What is unusual about Jesus touching the deaf man's ears and tongue?
  6. John's gospel focuses on signs, but so does Mark. Why is this important?
You are not required to write down your answers, like a homework assignment, but you are required to think over the message from Mark and be ready for the Holy Spirit to help you early on Thursday morning.
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