Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Questions for next time, Aug. 27

The plan for this Thursday morning is dip into Mark's gospel, chapter 6. Here are some questions to consider before we meet:
  1. Jesus was amazed by lack of faith in his home town. Has the faith of anyone in the first five chapters of Mark gladdened his heart?
  2. Did King Herod, from Red Edom, go down to the Jordan River to see John the Baptizer?
  3. Scan Luke 9:1-9 and 10:1-23, as background on the mission of the Twelve. Can you see any good extra information from Dr. Luke's account?
  4. The Twelve went out with Jesus' message to many villages. Was it all talk or did they act, too?
  5. Is it reasonable to expect that we can also walk like the Twelve, sent out by Jesus?
  6. Did Jesus pray with his Twelve in the lonely desert place?

We will discuss these and other questions early Thursday morning. Sharpen up your ears to listen for what the Spirit says to us through this gospel section.
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