Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Questions for next time, Aug. 20

On August 20, we will study the miracles in Mark 5. Here are some questions to think about:
  1. Was the country of the Gerasenes a part of Israel?
  2. Jesus gave a specific mission to the man who had been possessed by demons. How does it resemble our mission today?
  3. What did the woman say to Jesus before she touched the hem of his garment?
  4. Ought we pray like the woman who touched the hem of Jesus' garment?
  5. Jairus, whose daughter was ill and died, was a ruler of a synagogue. Was Jesus treated in this synagogue like he had been treated in other synagogues, e.g., Mark 3:1-6?
  6. Who was in the room with Jesus when he raised the little girl?
  7. He instructs them to give the little girl something to eat. Does this remind you of a similar event in the Gospels?

We will discuss these and other questions early Thursday morning. Be ready to look into the Lord's heart.

Ruin of a synagogue in Galilee.
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1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Dr. B. for your efforts on behalf of the Early Thurs. guys.
