Thursday, May 23, 2013

The king and his kingdom

We now look into chapter 13 of Dr. Luke's gospel, including parables of the kingdom of God. That being the case, we can ask a few questions to prepare for God's wisdom:
  1. The two groups meeting sudden death, mentioned by Jesus in vv.1 and 4, are different. How did the suddenness arise for each group?
  2. Is a human being likened to a fig tree or an orchard owner or a gardener?
  3. If the fig tree bears fruit the following year, does it cut down then? Or is it allowed to continue? What does this tell you about heaven?
  4. A king issues decrees for his kingdom. Can this king modify or expand his decree? Does he have the authority to do so?
  5. Can a person without spinal weakness or infirmity still be bent down by the enemy? Or, to put it another way: is it proper for Jesus to help anyone to, in a spiritual sense, stand upright?
  6. In the parables of the mustard seed and the leaven, where are the civilians, i.e., you and I?
  7. Jesus is the king, but does He Himself also have a narrow door?
  8. How does the sacrament of confession fit into these instructions of Jesus?
There is a lot to consider. Let's begin and see where the Holy Ghost leads us.
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