Thursday, September 27, 2012

Thursday, Sept. 27, Psalm 19

Today we will ascend to greatness and consider Psalm 19. Here are a few study questions.
  1. The Church teaches that God created the universe by His word, according to His wisdom. Does this concept appear in Psalm 19?
  2. The second half of the psalm describes the Torah. Is there something in the first half that describes Jesus or the Gospel?
  3. Is there something about the message of Jesus that is inescapable to any man, woman or child, something that no man escapes?
  4. Does Jesus' view of the Torah lead to the conversion of souls?
  5. The precepts or statutes of the Lord lead to rejoicing of the heart, but federal and state statutes are about crimes and misdemeanors, so how can the Lord's statutes lead to rejoicing? And by the way, how many statutes are on the books of the Lord?
  6. WHAT THE --?! Fear endures forever? That does not seem quite right -- or does it?
  7. In Acts 3, St. Peter with St. John mentions gold and silver by the "Beautiful Gate" of the temple. How does that series of events relate to God's judgements?
  8. To whom will the Day of Judgement be sweet? To whom will it be bitter?
  9. What makes sins hard to "detect," hard to comprehend?
  10. What was the worst, most horrendous sin ever committed? Is it possible for a man to be complicit with that sin, even now?
  11. How would Peter, the Rock, have prayed this psalm?

Let's have some coffee and talk it over, seeing deeper into the perfect Torah of freedom.

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