Saturday, July 28, 2012

Get going with James 1

Here are some study questions for starting to read in the epistle of James:
  1. In Proverbs, wise King Solomon says that the fear of Lord is the beginning of wisdom. How does the fear of the Lord arise in the soul?
  2. What part of the Our Father jives with the challenge of James, that we ask God for wisdom?
  3. Is a trial, mentioned in v. 2, the same as a temptation, mentioned in vv. 12-14?
  4. Was Jesus ever tempted?
  5. James admonishes us, saying that we must not "test" God the Father, in the sense of asking God to prove Himself. What is this testing? If you are in a trial of some kind, what would you want God to prove about Himself?
  6. The Church teaches that "the family should live in such a way that its members learn to care and take responsibility for the young, the old, the sick, the handicapped, and the poor." Would James have agreed with that?
There is a lot to learn in this beautiful writing. Let's have some coffee on Thursday morning, 7 AM, and then gaze into this perfect Torah of freedom.
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