Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Philippians 3

A few questions to consider for Thursday morning in Philippians chapter 3:
  1. Would you be more nervous standing next to a 3rd grader or next to the President of the United States?
  2. After you have helped serve meals to the homeless, does it make you more or less inclined to do so again?
  3. Where in the gospels does Jesus refer to a set of people as dogs?
  4. What things do you consider as positives, as "gains," but which are really negative when compared to the Lord?
  5. Did St. Thomas Aquinas ever get to this point, where he forgot about all his good work behind him and stretched forward to the prize?
  6. Is it impossible to live the life of a great saint?
Let's dig into chapter 3 with a few of these questions.
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