Thursday, April 12, 2012

Ch. 26, Passover

We will continue our consideration of the Lord's exodus that began in Jerusalem on the evening before the Passover began, in ch. 26 of Matthew's gospel. For instance, we can consider some of these questions:
  1. Why didn't Jesus or the Twelve own a condo in Jerusalem where they could have supper?
  2. Jesus knew that his own suffering, death and resurrection would be THE paschal sacrifice, THE escape from Egyptland, THE true Passover of the Lord, so why did he keep the old timey ritual passover meal?
  3. Why didn't Jesus cite his betrayer by name, Judas Iscariot, but only as "one of you," one of the Twelve?
  4. Each of the Twelve asked himself, "This betrayer, is it I?" It is an honest question, given the circus stances. What godly property does this show, to have asked this question?
  5. Judas was a shameless traitor, eating at the table with the man he had already betrayed. Why does Jesus permit it?
  6. St. Paul writes that "all things work for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose." Is this Passover of the The Lord an example of what Paul described?
  7. Who is to blame for the evil that Judas wrought, God for allowing Judas to be born or Judas himself?
  8. Why wasn't Jesus in agony and suffering while at this Passover meal, instead of later, in the garden of Gethsemane?
How many thousands of questions can we ask of the Lord's passion? But we will start today with these few and see if the Lord's wisdom can penetrate our hearts.
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