Thursday, January 27, 2011

Mosul and Jerusalem in Amos 5

We have a gamut of questions for looking into Amos 5:
  1. Where in the New Testament do we find a lament over a city likened to a woman who has fallen, never to rise again?
  2. What are Pleiades? Can you find archaeological traces of them somewhere near Israel today?
  3. Why does the Creator of the universe instill woes for those who cast justice to the ground?
  4. How does one travel today from Jerusalem to Mosul in Iraq, being as how the ruins of Nineveh are just near Mosul?
(Click image for larger view of map from Jerusalem to Mosul.)

Let's gaze into God's word today, in the 5th chapter of Amos, and see whether it leads us deeper into God's freedom.

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