Thursday, January 27, 2011

Mosul and Jerusalem in Amos 5

We have a gamut of questions for looking into Amos 5:
  1. Where in the New Testament do we find a lament over a city likened to a woman who has fallen, never to rise again?
  2. What are Pleiades? Can you find archaeological traces of them somewhere near Israel today?
  3. Why does the Creator of the universe instill woes for those who cast justice to the ground?
  4. How does one travel today from Jerusalem to Mosul in Iraq, being as how the ruins of Nineveh are just near Mosul?
(Click image for larger view of map from Jerusalem to Mosul.)

Let's gaze into God's word today, in the 5th chapter of Amos, and see whether it leads us deeper into God's freedom.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Some queries, chapter 4 of Amos

Amos the prophet recorded his message, that came in visions, concerning Israel. In chapter 4 we will look into some rough words. Here are some questions we can use to think over this part of God's Word:
  1. How is it that Amos saw this message in a vision? What did Amos see?
  2. When will your wife agree to transportation, from point A to point B, by being dragged with fish hooks?
  3. What did Jesus say about proclaiming one's free will offereings out loud in public?
  4. What famous droughts and famines do you recall from the Bible?
  5. What about stricken crops and trees and vineyards in the Bible?
  6. How does this slough of calamity compare to the garden in Genesis 2?
  7. How does God use calamities like drought, famine and blight?
  8. Which sacrament would provide someone with a good recourse in times like this calamity in Israel?
Let's start with these questions, and see how we can make it part of our actions tomorrow.

Holy Lord

Turn to me and be safe, all you ends of the earth, for I am God; there is no other!

By myself I swear, uttering my just decree and my unalterable word:
To me every knee shall bend; by me every tongue shall swear, saying, "Only in the LORD are just deeds and power. Before him in shame shall come all who vent their anger against him. In the LORD shall be the vindication and the glory of all the descendants of Israel." (Isaiah 45:22-25)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

A few more questions

Here are a few more questions for studying Amos' prophecy in its 3rd chapter:
  1. How is it that Amos saw this message in a vision? What did Amos see?
  2. Why does the Lord promise extra punishment to Israel instead of the nations?
  3. Where are the mountains of Samaria, in relation to Jerusalem?
  4. Where is the city of Ashdod?
  5. Why does the Lord have a mini-proclamation to Egypt and Ashdod, in verses 9 - 11?
  6. What were Israel's sins in vv. 9 - 11?
  7. What are the "horns" on an altar?
  8. Why does the Lord promise to break the altar apart in Bethel based on the actions of Israelites outside the altar area?
  9. Do we have an altar like this one mentioned by Amos?
  10. Do you have a summer home?
Let's dig into chapter 3 with these questions and some help from the Lord for our minds.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Amos 2

It behooves us to work with some of these questions during our walk through the 2nd chapter of Amos this morning:

  1. How is it that Amos saw this message in a vision? What did Amos see?
  2. What is the relationship between Israel and Judah?
  3. How does the Church relate to Abraham's people, Israel?
  4. Think of the three faithful Israelites whose words of praise we repeat every day: Zechariah, Mary and >Simeon. What would Amos have said about a nation made of Zechariahs, Marys and Simeons?
  5. What is a nazirite?
  6. What is the common property of the weapons and fighting men mentioned in vv. 15 and 16?
  7. What was the view of Amos concerning the corporal works of mercy?
Let's have a cup of coffee and start here as we see into this wisdom from our God, the perfect Torah of freedom.

Images: (1) BBC, Mark Ormrod with fellow Gumpathon runner, marine Jamie Jobson, in Maryland; (2) Air Force Times, Marine Corps Marathon, 2009.