Thursday, December 23, 2010

Conclusion of the matter

Here are some of the comments and conclusions from this morning's Bible study session, question by question.
  1. The Lord considers Nineveh a bloody city. Is there any city on Earth today that you consider to be a bloody city? Is it like Nineveh?
    1. Len: Amsterdam, New Orleans, San Francisco for debauchery, which the prophet Nahum mentions in the same breath as blood.
    2. Scott: Hating an entire city is like what terrorists do.
    3. Bob: Mexican border cities, overrun by murder by drug lords and criminals.
    4. Scott: Somalia is a lawless place, where life means nothing.
    5. Dave: Cambodia during the Khmer Rouge regime.
    6. Joe: the bloody description of Nineveh reminds one of Civil War battles, line after line of men charging the merciless guns.
  2. How can a nation like Assyria enslave another nation by prostitution? What kind of prostitution would that be?
    1. Ken: prostitution in this case is like the Nazis recruiting collaborators in France by selling access to their military and political power.
  3. Same question, regarding witchcraft: What kind of witchcraft can enslave a nation and end with bloody subjugation?
    1. Ken: Like being spellbound by government handouts and giving credence to the government's every pronouncement.
    2. Ken: Being spellbound by moral relativism, as mentioned in Abolition of Man, by C. S. Lewis.
  4. How does this prophecy of Nahum relate to our lives today? What does it make you feel?
    1. Bob: It makes me want to pray more.
    2. Scott: Be like Rachel's Vineyard.
    3. Joe: Be like Tobit, practicing the works of mercy.
Joe's conculsion to the matter makes a lot of sense.
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