Thursday, July 23, 2009

Comments from today

Here are a few of the comments from the guys at this morning's Bible study session.

  1. Why does Jesus undergo the baptism of John the Baptist?
    1. God the Father appears and verifies the Son.
    2. Jesus is showing us the way: he chooses to fulfill all righteousness in obedience to God the Father's plan, just as we ought to do. This is the foundation of the other questions.

  2. Why does Jesus instruct so many NOT to tell others who he is?
    1. He does not want people to follow him so that he can become an earthly king or so that they can snag a free lunch.
    2. Instead of propagating the wrong message, he wants people to accept him on his own terms, or...
    3. New skins for new wine!
    4. As 1:38 says, "It is for this reason that I have come." He and his Abba have a reason.

  3. If Jesus can heal leprosy, is it important to seek Him in the sacrament of confession?
    1. Afflictions, in old view, were because of sins or parents' transgressions.
    2. Are you going to confession for a free lunch or for love of God?
    3. Confession can be a stumbling block for some people. They accept the Church's teachings except for making confession.

  4. In chapter 2, Jesus acts twice for a paralytic man. Why did he take the second action, healing the paralytic man's body?
    1. First off, this story is really about the 4 buddies who lowered the paralysed friend down from the roof.
    2. Never misunderestimate the power of prayer.
    3. Jesus has power and authority in both areas, so this is like Jesus saying, "Make my day."
    4. Man has body and soul, so Jesus heals both.
    5. The second healing visually confirms the unseen act of forgiveness.
    6. The "make my day" act is like Jesus saying, "This is the new wineskin!"

  5. What was the price Jesus paid when he healed the paralytic man's body?
    1. Wrath of the Pharisees was the price he paid.
    2. Also, he continued to experience crowds and being jammed out into the wild places before he and his men could catch their breath or get 40 winks.
    3. Eventually, he would pay the ultimate price, at the Cross.

  6. Why did Jesus openly have dinner with Levi and the other sinners and IRS agents?
    1. It was the reason he was on Earth: to call the sinners.
    2. He wanted to show his disciples how to be compassionate with sinners.
    3. It affirms that his forgiveness is true.
    4. This also connects to another famous dinner, the wedding at Cana.
    5. Another meal he has with us sinners is the Eucharist, the ultimate meal and act of worship, the source and summit of the Christian life.

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