Wednesday, January 11, 2012

More about the parable of the vineyard

We are looking into Matthew, Chapter 21. Tomorrow we will consider the parable of the vineyard. A few questions stir up the mind:
  1. Which of the two sons from the previous parable work in this second parable's vineyard?
  2. God did not go into a far country; He is always present. But what does that mean in the parable, that God "went on a journey" in v. 33?
  3. What is the fruit that God seeks from this vineyard?
  4. By the way, who was it that actually did all the heavy lifting to make this vineyard? And who is it that benefits from it?
With some coffee and discussion, we will dive into the meaning of this second parable tomorrow morning.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

January 5 questions

Now that we have passed the Christmas celebration, we dive back into the 21st chapter of Matthew, starting with the parable of the two sons. Here are a few questions to jump start your brain from two weeks of hibernation:
  1. Which of the two sons talks a good game?
  2. Which sone causes most trouble?
  3. Which son needed more of God's grace to carry out his actions?
  4. Which sone needed to go to confession?
  5. Which son could have been a member of the den of thieves, and which son could have been welcome in the house of prayer?
  6. To which son could the chief priests and elders be compared?
  7. Which son was like the Israelites after they escaped through the Red Sea?
  8. What is the function of John the Baptizer in this parable?
  9. Were the IRS men and prostitutes more like the first son or the second son?
These questions plus some coffee will help us gaze into God's perfect Torah of freedom tomorrow morning.