Thursday, December 22, 2011

Matthew 21

We now dive into Matthew's 21st chapter, which begins with Jesus formally entering Jerusalem to cries of praise. Here are a few questions to stir the pot:
  1. Did the two blind men, now healed, follow Jesus into Jerusalem?
  2. Had Jesus entered Jerusalem on other occasions, prior to this? Did he shake up the city?
  3. Did Jesus previously teach the Twelve about giving up their possessions?
  4. Did the owner of the ass and the colt make a complaint when giving up his property?
  5. When do we sing the Jerusalem greeting, "Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!" at Mass? Why then?
  6. It pleased Jesus to hear the little ones singing words of praise for him. Would it have encouraged the Twelve to hear the little children singing out to the Son of David?
OK, let's get ready for the Jerusalem events here at the end of Matthew's gospel.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

In the vineyard

With chapter 20, we dive back into a parable about the first and the last, the famous parable of the vineyard workers. Here are a few questions we can use to think over the meaning of God's message here:
  1. What would a rabbi of Jesus' day identify as "the vineyard" -- a real farming operation or something other than that?
  2. Jesus populates the parables with sets of workers, grateful for a day's work. If the parable is meant for every age, including 2011, who should we consider to be the workers of the parable?
  3. Who is the master of the household, making the decisions about work and pay?
  4. Which sacrament of today has its origin in a vineyard?
  5. How does a vineyard worker relate to the next words of Jesus, that he must go up to Jerusalem and pass through the crucifixion?
This chapter is loaded, and we will spend most of our time tomorrow morning in vv. 1-19. Be ready.