Thursday, November 4, 2010

Who is Raphael?

Each of the primary stories in the book of Tobit involves the angel Raphael. Here are some questions by which we can perhaps advance our reading and take a glimpse into the identity and nature of this angel of God:
  1. In ch. 9, Raphael has a specific mission to Rhages. What two actions of Raphael are pivotal to the entire book of Tobit?
  2. When Tobit and his wife despair of seeing their son again, in ch. 10, their behavior has a bit of resemblance to one of Jesus' parables. Which parable?
  3. In ch. 11, Raphael plans with Tobias on their return to Nineveh, saying, "Let us hurry on ahead of your wife to prepare the house while the rest of the party are still on the way." Where in the new testament does one see similar concepts?
  4. What is the problem with Tobit's grateful payment plan for Rapahel, as mentioned in vv. 1-5 of chapter 12?
We will drink coffee and discuss these questions today in Men's Bible Study.