Thursday, July 4, 2013

Toward Jerusalem in Luke 17

In the 17th chapter of Luke, there is a short set of mini-lessons from Jesus on his way to Jerusalem. There is a lot to learn here, so let's dig in with a few questions:
  1. Of all the people you have had to forgive, who is the person you have forgiven the greatest number of times?
  2. Is it possible to lose your faith?
  3. Faith that makes its power felt in love -- is it sacrificial?
  4. When does Luke first mention that Jesus set his face to go to Jerusalem?
  5. Do you recall: What was the problem with Samaria?
  6. How do you react to God's grace? Like the one Samaritan leper who was healed? Or like the other nine who were healed?
  7. Where did the lepers have to go to show themselves to the priests?
  8. In this chapter, Jesus teaches us to "return" and NOT to return? What?! How does Jesus get that sorted out?
With God's grace, His message can penetrate our hard skulls, so we will pray and look for the Holy Spirit on the move today.

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