Thursday, July 11, 2013

Continuing in Luke 17, lepers and Samaritans

Some of our questions for today include four from last time:
  1. Do you recall: What was the problem with Samaria?
  2. How do you react to God's grace? Like the one Samaritan leper who was healed? Or like the other nine who were healed?
  3. Where did the lepers have to go to show themselves to the priests?
  4. In this chapter, Jesus teaches us to "return" and NOT to return? What?! How does Jesus get that sorted out?
  5. New this week...
  6. What does it mean that the kingdom of God is in our midst, within your, among you? The Greek word εντοσ is related to the Greek word for intestines!
  7. Was it heartless for the Lord Jesus to make it so that some of those present would not see Him, in v. 22?
  8. After reading Scott Hahn's mini-essay, Jesus, the Son of Man, you might wonder why the victorious figure of the Son of Man could easily be mistaken: "Where, Lord?" asked the Twelve. But the name, "Son of Man," is also connected to the coming betrayal in Jerusalem at Passover. Was there any uncertainty in the Egyptians that the Passover was happening?
It is good to study over these topics, because the Passover of the Lord Jesus is the center of our salvation, which we celebrate at every Mass in the Eucharist. Let's look into it today.

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