Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Findings about curious events in the Crucifixion

Here are some of the conclusions of the men last Thursday morning, concerning some of the questions:
  1. Why would this silence be so stunning, so curious, to Pontius Pilate? What does it tell us?
    1. Bob: When Jesus stands mute, he is making no excuses, not making a cop out, volunteering nothing that can be twisted.
  2. What was the factor that made Judas change his mind and throw the blood money back into the Temple?
    1. Jim: Perhaps Judas realized, "They have Jesus in deeper trouble than I thought it'd be."
  3. What should be the true currency of the Church?
    1. Bob: Look at Matthew the crooked but wealthy tax collector. Matthew gave himself to Jesus.
The conclusion of the matter, the example that Matthew presents, is a great example of doing the Word.

We will dive deeper into chapter 27 this Thursday.

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