Wednesday, May 9, 2012

A few questions from last week plus some new ones

We have a few questions from last week, and new ones concerning chapter 28.
  1. The chief priests and Pharisees caused the Messiah's tomb to be sealed against mischief from dishonest disciples. Did their action, sealing the tomb, work for their purposes or for God's?
  2. What basis do the chief priests and Pharisees have for expecting the eleven to steal a dead body?
  1. When was the last time in this gospel that we saw someone whose appearance was like lightning?
  2. Is there mention of the women actually going into the tomb or even peeking in?
  3. If the crucifixion was such a defeat (as the Enemy viewed it), then why does the angel feature it, saying "Jesus the crucified" when addressing the women?
  4. What is this business about being "fearful yet overjoyed" when the women left?
  5. Fear thou not! Why does everybody keep telling the women not to be afraid?
  6. What were the women doing there, anyway?
  7. Just curious: When was the last time you hugged the feet of anyone?
Well, we have a lot to learn but looking at these questions will at least get us started early this Thursday morning.
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