Saturday, August 29, 2009

Reading ahead for next time

For the A students who would like to read forward, here are some things to have in mind as you read through Mark 6:30-56.
  1. What does Jesus teach the Twelve about the Eucharist here?
  2. We can consider Mark's gospel as if they are Mark's lecture notes from Peter's School of Evangelism. This being the case, how does the miracle of walking on water
    1. help the Twelve carry Jesus' message more effectively, and
    2. help them understand the Eucharist more profoundly?

Dante speaking to St. Peter in heaven:

"The mysteries of Heaven," I replied,
"Here manifested, as my sight perceives,
Are to our mortal eyes on earth denied;

Hence their existence faith alone conceives,
And hope's foundation thus doth represent,
Wherefore the name of substance it receives..."

    Paradiso XXIV

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