Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Questions for next time, Aug. 13

On August 13, we will dig into the parables in Mark 4: the sower, the lamp, the sleeping sower, the sower of the mustard seed. Here are some questions to think about:
  1. Jesus gave the Twelve this batch of parables. How does he intend the apostles to use the parables?
  2. Does the Church give us lay men a responsibility to be handy with parables, too?
  3. Which parable could you have used recently in your family or in your job?
  4. Was it a parable when Jesus rebuked the winds and calmed the Sea of Galilee?
  5. Have you ever been in physical danger?

We will discuss these and other questions early Thursday, so be ready for the Holy Ghost to breeze through.
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