Thursday, May 9, 2013

On to Ch. 12

We now look into the lengthy chapter 12 of Dr. Luke's gospel. Here are a few questions, along the lines of common sense and theological meaning, to see into God's message for us:
  1. Is it possible to whisper something behind closed doors and in that be hypocritical?
  2. Can fear of death, "of those who kill the body," lead to acts of hypocrisy?
  3. Is it possible to do the corporal works of mercy and be hypocritical?
  4. Are you as smart as the Holy Spirit? Only half as smart? 10% as smart?
  5. Was the rich man with many barns hypocritical about something?

St. Thomas Aquinas notes that Jesus did not want to govern temporarily over an earthly kingdom, and therein did not offer to adjudicate the inheritance of the two brothers. That implies that we are to exercise judgement, and, hopefully, do so faithfully, not hypocritically!

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