Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Ascent to greatness, Psalm 90, prayer of Moses the man of God

Now we turn toward the truly great psalm, Psalm 90, the prayer of Moses the man of God. Here are a few of the questions to get you really thinking.
  1. If the temple in Jerusalem is God's dwelling place, then how is it that He Himself is our dwelling place, as a place of refuge?
  2. From everlasting to everlasting: why does v. 2 refer to God in the present tense, "you are" as if it is between eternities?
  3. From what does the Lord ask men to return? Where were they?
  4. Why does Moses compare time to the life of a flowering plant?
  5. Is there some significance in the numbers 70 and 80?
  6. Do you have an accurate, adequate understanding of God's wrath?

There are still more questions to ask, wisdom to find, in this mighty psalm. We will start on that task tomorrow morning.

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