Wednesday, August 15, 2012

A few questions in James 3

This chapter concerns how we use our tongue to speak, and the nature of our words. Here are some questions we might begin with:
  1. A teacher, to James, is a person who primarily communicates by ______. (multiple choice)
    1. his spoken word
    2. his YouTube account
    3. his writing
    4. artwork and sculture
    5. Chuck Norris concepts
  2. The tongue of a man is compared to a horse's bit and to a teeny rudder. What part of a man fulfills the analogy of the reins by which the rider controls the bit?
  3. Continuing the analogy: What part of a man compares to the ship's wheel?
  4. Completing the analogy: who or what is the rider of the horse, the captain of the ship?
  5. Did Job ever have occasion to sin with words from his mouth? How about Moses?
  6. Read Psalm 19. How does the final verse jive with James' teaching in chapter 3?
  7. In v. 11, James mentions a spring of pure water. What should be the source of our pure words?
  8. Can a person dip into jealousy or selfish ambition without some unwise spoken words?
  9. How do jealousy and selfish ambition, spoken openly, help a teacher of the Lord's way to lead students toward God?

We will start with these questions on Thursday morning, a lot to learn.

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