Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Finish Philippians 3

We will take a few more questions to dig into Philippians chapter 3 this week, viz.
  1. In v. 13, St. Paul mentions that he leaves all the positive things he has done behind. What advantage is there to forgetting what lies behind?
  2. What is the one thing he does NOT forget about?
  3. How often have you trained for a physical task by imitating someone else who was proficient?
  4. St. Paul admonishes those who act as if they were enemies of the cross of Christ. OK, then one can ask, how does one act as a true comrade with the cross of Christ?
  5. Is it safe or not to be a true comrade of the cross of Christ?
There are a lot of questions we could ask, as we seek to become real doers of the Word, but this additional list of five can get us started.

On Thursday, we will also discuss where we will study after Philippians.

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