Monday, March 19, 2012


Findings from some of the Thursday morning questions, concerning the judgement in Matthew 25:31-46.
  1. Is there matching truth in the Beatitudes of Matthew ch. 5?
    Len: the King divides the sheep from the goats on the basis of pure hearts. That is, the sheep had pure hearts, and the goats did not.

    Ken: the persecution that comes when people mock you for serving the poor and doing the right thing.
  2. BRAIN-BURNER: Is there any place in the Old Testament that correlates with the actions that the Son of Man rewards?
    Len: the 4th commandment has a reward.
  3. In all the actions rewarded by th Messiah, note that there is no teaching or preaching mentioned. Why is that?
    Al: As St. Francis said, sometimes the preaching of the gospel comes in with ones actions, as the King describes the actions of the righteous.

    Len: It's because Jesus is THE teacher; also because the Natural Law exists.
Thursday this week we will continue with discussion of the Eucharist.
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