Thursday, December 2, 2010

Conclusion of Tobit

As we study through the last two chapters of Tobit, here are some questions to look into:
  1. What geographical/political fact does Tobit keep referring to in the long prayer, chapter 13?
  2. Tobit concentrates upon Jerusalem in his long prayer, too. Why?
  3. How does Psalm 126 jibe with Tobit's blessing, chapter 14, especially v. 5?
  4. What prophets had messages concerning Nineveh?
  5. Does the book of Tobit tell you anything about the Eucharist or the Cross?
Let's work on these questions, and seek the wisdom of God's perfect law of freedom this first Thursday of December, 2010.

IMAGE: U.S. Army at a reconstructed gate of Nineveh

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