Thursday, July 22, 2010

Reports concerning maturity and the Word

One of the questions today concerned Abraham and whether we felt mature and skilled with the word of righteousness (Heb. 5:13, 14). When I asked for a show of hands, "Raise your hand if you feel you are mature and skilled in the word of righteousness," I was surprised to see several hands go up. I expected most everybody to keep their hand humbly lowered to the table.

But German and Scott gave an interesting answer for raising their hands, feeling mature and skilled in the word of righteousness. "I know enough of God's Word to act," said German, to be a doer of the Word. Scott backed up this by comparing his current state to an earlier state in which he was not awake to the Word.

We also discussed whether it was a gift or a skill. After all, Deacon Al said, everyone knows that faith comes to us as a gift, not as something we can sharpen up and get a college degree in. Sal was able to clarify this, in that it is a gift of the Holy Spirit to have control of your free will, and we have the faculties to to exercise the free will, especially discerning in our conscience between good and evil.

This is a good report.

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