Thursday, February 11, 2010

Stewards of God's manifold grace

Here are some of the comments of the men this morning, concerning the requirement to be a good steward of God's manifold grace.
  1. Sal: humility is needed. You acknowledge God and what He has given us.
  2. Dave: Faith is a gift over which to be a good steward.
  3. Jim: mentioned a sign he had seen in England, "Love your enemies. YOU made them!" It is a gift from God if you can do this.
  4. Dave: Everything God has given you, even life, is something over which to be a faithful steward.
We also discussed the recent television advertisement with a college football player advocating to be a steward over life: "Choose family. Choose life."

We also discussed the deacons, priests and bishops, with their huge responsibility to be a faithful steward over God's word. Unfortunately, no deacons were present this morning!

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